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Threaded Stud S-BT-MR M8/7 SN 6 HL

OS item no.: 2346062

Product variants


Name Value
Weight (kg) 0.010
D Diameter (mm) 8
Type Threaded stud S-BT HL
Application area Multipurpose fastening
Material composition Stainless steel
Base materials Steel
Minimum thickness of base material (steel) 6 mm
Thread diameter 8 mm
Tightening torque 16 Nm
Environmental conditions Highly corrosive
Fastener shank diameter 5.8 mm
Corrosion protection Duplex stainless steel (1.4462)
Washer size 10 mm
Point type Blunt tip
For use with SBT 6-A22
Max. tightening torque 16 Nm
Diameter (mm) M8
ETIM class EC003615 - Threaded nail
