Multipurpose fastening
Introducing our new cold work capability specifically for quick installation post paint for up to C5 environments, achieved by combining the best of Hilti Fastening on Steel (FoS) products and Oglaend System technology.
Washer Ø45x3 M12
Locking nut A4
Threaded stud F-BT-MR incl. washer
Threaded stud F-BT-MR
Threaded stud S-BT MR HL
Starter bolted Mekano 50-2T light
Starter bolted Mekano 50-2T FoS
Starter bolted Mekano 100-1 Z-shaped FoS
Starter bolted C-shaped Mekano 100-2T FoS
Starter bolted Mekano 100-2T FoS
Support bracket SPB cantilever arm
Support bracket SPB FoS/Mekano
Fixing clamp outside OE M10/10
Light fixing hinge OE FoS
Support bracket Z-shaped ETIN FoS 30x56