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R&D department

Research and development

We have a dedicated Technology department that continuously work on improving and inventing products that can accommodate a rapidly changing market.

Oglaend System has a long history of developing customized products and solutions within oil and gas, wind energy, shipbuilding and infrastructure. 

Room for innovation

The Technology department was launched over 30 years ago and back then only consisted of one employee. Now it has expanded to house around 30 employees including branches in Kuala Lumpur and London. It is important to us that we keep up with the ever-changing market and therefore we highly prioritise innovation. 

Our product development engineers are constantly assessing the market for new product requirements and new application areas for time proven designs. Today’s digital technology including 3D printed prototyping and digital structural analysis tools are employed together with many years experience in innovative and groundbreaking technologies. As we serve many industries, our customers also benefit from transfer of technology and experience from other segments, often helping them to gain market advantage.

Complete supplier

We aim to be a complete supplier when it comes to our products and systems, which is why we always ensure that our new products fit together with our existing portfolio.

Photo: Tore Friestad. Arne Gya, R&D Manager.

I believe in designing a system that allows you to keep your options open for changes throughout the lifetime of a project. 

- Arne Gya, R&D Manager

When designing a product, we consider cost, weight, rules and regulations, and environmental impact. 

We endeavour to design products and systems that are tailored to our customer’s needs, while also offering the lowest total system cost.

Hands-on approach

One of Oglaend System's four core values is Solution Focus, and we co-operate closely with our customers to create smarter and better solutions. Therefore, we clearly see the benefits of involving our product designers by sending them on inspections and exchanges to various projects. An exchange of expertise is valuable for us and our customers, which is why being involved in the early stages of design is very important.

Tailor made solutions!

“One thing I have learned is that needs and circumstances change from the definition of a project, through the planning phase and to the actual installation and operation stage,” Arne Gya said.

Our vision and the future of innovation

In the future, we wish to continue developing products and systems that create value for our customers in the form of time saving, maximal space utilisation, weight reduction, extended installation lifetime and improved HSE.

“I believe in planning for the unexpected”, Arne Gya said.

After 30 years of focusing on innovation we have gained invaluable insight into how to best improve our systems. We continuously work towards creating unequalled and cost effective multidisciplinary support systems for our customers all over the world.