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Support for fire water piping

Support for fire water piping

Oglaend System have worked together with Blaze Manufacturing to optimize solutions for supporting fire water piping, using our Mekano® channels together with adjustable, cold work beam clamps and cable ladders.

Blaze Manufacturing

Blaze Manufacturing are a leading provider of fire safety protection, detection and loss prevention solutions for harsh and challenging environments including offshore production platforms, drill rigs, floating production units, onshore oil fields, terminals, refineries and petrochemical plants.

Support for fire water piping

Oglaend System UK have been working together with Blaze Manufacturing for many years, and set a new focus in 2016 to optimize solutions for supporting their FLEX-FLO™ fire water piping system using Mekano® support channels together with adjustable, cold work beam clamps and cable ladders. Following a visit to Oglaend System headquarters in Norway, Blaze Manufacturing invited Oglaend System to explore and test new methods to extend the support distance and range from the current standard designs. Our test centre took up the challenge, and following an intensive period of testing various solutions, were able to deliver a matrix of loading possibilities based on the specialised scope of the project.

This is an example of the application engineering our Group Technology and Marketing department can offer customers both new and old in order to optimize their own technical and logistical offerings.

We thank Blaze Manufacturing for this interesting challenge and look forward to continued cooperation in the future.

Support for fire water piping