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Mekano Type Approval from DNV-GL

Following an extensive test program, we are delighted to inform that we have now received the official Type Approval Certificates for our Mekano® Channels.

The DNV-GL Type Approval covers the following channel types in both Hot Dip Galvanized and in Stainless Steel:

• Mekano® CH50-2T1.5, CH50-2T2, CH50-2T2.5, CH100-1, CH100-2T2, CH100-2T3

The tests are in accordance with IEC 61537 and were carried out on typical support scenarios, in U, L and T configurations and cantilevers.

As a result of the testing and certification process, it has been decided that gusset plates should always be included in L supports. The Multigrid® catalogue will be updated to include this recommendation.

Hans Arne Bjelland in R&D Norway and Arvid Haaland from DNV-GL are doing a load test on a triangle Channel U-frame.